Author name: admin

50th Anniversary Celebrations! Our journey through the 2020s and beyond!

50th Anniversary 2020s A great team and a bright future – 2020s and beyond! Over 60% of businesses don’t survive their first 4 years so for Tomkinson Group to be reaching a 50-year milestone is a remarkable achievement. It’s a testament to our dedication, resilience, and the ability to adapt and thrive in ever-changing landscapes. […]

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50th Anniversary Celebrations! Our journey through the 2010s

50th Anniversary 2010s A true legacy – 2010s​ Entering our fifth decade, technological change continued creating a faster, safer and more precise foundation for urban planning and infrastructure development, allowing Tomkinson to deliver higher levels of quality and service to our clients. Out with the fax and the CRT monitor and in with QA accreditation,

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50th Anniversary Celebrations! Our journey through the 2000s

50th Anniversary 2000s Exciting new technologies – 2000s​ The land development industry took a giant leap forward in the 2000s with the advent of cutting-edge technologies, creating a transformative shift in the work of surveyors in civil design, analysinglandscapes, and the precision of measurements. Sophisticated CAD, GPS, sketch up and robotic total stations started entering

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50th Anniversary Celebrations! Our journey through the 1990s

50th Anniversary 1990s Back to basics – 1990s​ Australia entered the 1990’s with the recession we had to have. With Paul’s tenacity, his wife Kathy’s support, and making some very difficult decisions along the way, Tomkinson survived this period of economic downturn and uncertainty. The Melbourne operation was sold to the local management team (it

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50th Anniversary Celebrations! Our journey through the 1980s

50th Anniversary 1980s The developer’s complete consultant – 1980s​ At the beginning of the decade, PT Tomkinson and Associates, now having expanded services with the addition of engineering became “the developer’s complete consultant”. Retaining its Bendigo base, the business also established a wider presence across the development industry including the Melbourne office which now employed

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