Engineering is all in the family….
Tomkinson Engineering Manager, Matthew Elliot, recently shared a captivating series of photographs showcasing the construction of the Hume Weir between 1919 and 1936. Matthew has a personal association with this fascinating feat of engineering as his Great Grandfather, George Snape, was an engineer on the project ….we are glad Matt continue’s his family’s engineering tradition!
From Wikipedia: “The dam’s purpose includes flood mitigation, hydro-power, irrigation, water supply and conservation. It is a gated concrete gravity dam with four earth embankments and twenty-nine vertical undershot gated concrete overflow spillways, capable of discharging 7,929 cubic metres per second. Water is retained nearly 40 kilometres upstream of the reservoir in the valleys of both the Murray and Mitta Mitta rivers.”
Amazing to think that this was achieved with wood scaffolding, by men who smoked while they worked!!