Pyramid Hill Drainage Strategy Project
I recently attended a meeting at the Wedderburn Loddon Shire offices in relation to the Pyramid Hill Drainage Strategy Project and was pleased to see the Wedderburn Streetscape Project had been completed and is reasonably well established. This project was mostly funded by State Government with Tomkinson Group engaged to undertake the survey and civil engineering design component for the Loddon Shire Council.
The objective of the project was to beautify and create a more compliant streetscape. Scope of works for the project included the removal of overhead powerlines, deep gutters and channels, levelling of street parking and making compliant pedestrian crossings and footpaths, although there are always many other complications that arise for the designers when working in established streets. Credit to our senior design engineer, Nathan Bawden, for the good design, which although quite complicated, appears to me to be a very impressive project outcome.
During the course of the project objections were raised to the removal of an existing fence around Jacka Park when Council sought a planning permit. This went all the way to VCAT, where the objectors won, meaning a minor redesign was required to retain the fence. This too appears to have worked well, although said fence could use a good sand and paint!!
This is a good example of Tomkinson Group’s complimentary services for our regional clients.
Matthew Elliot
Engineering Manager