Sailors Falls stair case upgrade

Sailors Falls is a semi-circular gorge in the undulating landscape south of Daylesford, over which the Sailors Creek flows. In high flow seasons the duel waterfalls are quite spectacular. However, access to the attraction has been off limits for over two years since flood water damaged the existing concrete stair case. Tomkinson Group was engaged to provide Town Planning and Engineering services for Parks Victoria to upgrade the 130 steps to the base of the waterfall.

Tomkinson Group Director, John Guise, oversaw the design of the platforms, staircase and landings which have been engineered to overcome previous drainage issues while allowing the best access possible to the falls. The design brief included providing wheelchair access to an upper viewing platform so that more people could enjoy the falls, as there was no viewing point on the old staircase. Now that the lower level unsafe stairs have also been replaced, the journey up and down will also be much easier. The design and construction of the stairs also included limiting the works to the original footprint which meant that much of the demolished material was brought out of the gorge by hand to ensure minimal disturbance to the surrounding area.

Parks Victoria district manager Tony English said the new staircase was a “vast improvement.” The contract for construction of the project was awarded to Campbellfield group Infrancon in 2016, while Parks Victoria and the Victorian Mineral Water Committee funded the project. Construction commenced in January and was completed in June-July 2017.

Sailors Falls is a wonderful stopping off point on for the Goldfields Track as it provides not only a beautiful setting, but toilets and picnic facilities for visitors. Located 5km south of Daylesford on the Daylesford Ballan Road, it is a must see if you are in the area.

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